NDSI Lite and 1996 nissan silvia

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NDSI Lite and 1996 nissan silvia

Post by zabs14 »

Hello every body, i m french, so i apologize for my english.

I have downloaded NDSI lite for my 1996 silvia sr20det. i have bought a cable in order to convert the nissan plug to obd plug and connect a blue tooth connector. Meanwhile, the connector can t be sawn by my phone (galaxy note 2). So i search some guys who have succeed to connect ndsi with their silvia and witch set up they have used..

Thank you very much
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Location: France

Re: NDSI Lite and 1996 nissan silvia

Post by seb.racing »

t'inquiète pas, Tom met plusieurs pour répondre au message du forum ;)

je viens de trouver une idée pour utiliser mes câbles OBD1 et OBD2 avec mon Galaxy A3, je vais acheter un câble OTG https://www.amazon.fr/Cable-host-Adapta ... B007MNZ8VY
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Joined: 10 Jan 2012, 06:45
Location: France

Re: NDSI Lite and 1996 nissan silvia

Post by seb.racing »

I have utilize the cable OTG,
regrettably it function not, we are obligate of utilize the function bluetooth
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