The Windows PC software has more functionality. Functions such as Active Test, Cylinder Power Test, Idle and Timing Adjustment, Immobilizer Key programming, Address Watch, Log Analyser, Log Replay are available with the Windows PC software but not the Android app. See the Functions page for a full list of supported functions. NDS I – Windows PC NDS II – Windows PC NDS III – Windows PC
A major advantage of the Windows PC software is that it works with more than just the engine ECU (ECM). It supports diagnostics for other modules as well.
There is also a difference in refresh rate in case of NDS II and NDS III software. The VAG adaptors used with the Windows PC software can provide around 15 updates per second for all monitored parameters. The ELM327 adaptors used with the Android app can only provide around 3 updates per second for a single parameter.
The Android app works with the engine ECU (ECM). It doesn’t support any other modules like the Windows PC software.
The app has a lot less functionality. See the Functions page for a full list of supported functions.
In case of NDS II and NDS III, the refresh rate for monitored parameters is a lot lower. The reason for it is the adaptor type used with the app (ELM327). The advantage of these adaptors is wireless connectivity.
The app is handy and easy to use. Good for a quick check up and basic data monitoring.